Conflict Lab

A laboratory for practicing and developing relational skills during conflict.

We can change the way we think about and approach difficult conversations. Can conflict be healthy? Can conflict be generative? Can we harness the energy of conflict for good?

This is a laboratory. We will be experimenting with new ideas, brainstorming ways to approach conflict, and workshopping difficult conversations.

We spend so much energy avoiding conflict. This lab offers a space to practice conflicts so we can improve our ability to communicate and stay regulated. Let’s talk about conflict. Let’s open the discussion around it instead of avoiding it.

Here’s what you can expect at the Conflict Lab:

  • workshop conflict and difficult conversations

  • role playing and practicing difficult conversations you’ve had or want to have

  • a safe environment to practice and play

  • support of your peers

  • stretching your edges

The Conflict Lab is offered in three formats:

The next public offering of the Conflict Lab is TBD.

This is a closed group with a maximum of 4 participants. The next Small Group Conflict Lab date is TBD.

Interested in bringing the Conflict Lab into your business or organization? The first step is to book a chat with me.

"Conflict creates tension, yes, but also intimacy and invention. Friction, let's not forget, is how babies are made."

- Kasia Urbaniak